Global Mailers 24-25
Global Mailers 24-25
#1: ‘Knew York —> New York’
July-August, 2024
New York City, USA
Knew York —> New York: Goodbye for now, but please don’t say forever.
Risograph print animation (40 frames) | orange and teal | 6x4”
Hello dear friends, and welcome to my analog blog (…log?). For the next ~8 months, I have the opportunity to travel around the world for my job, and I want to challenge myself to an art + social upkeep project (amongst other things).
When entering into creative, travel-bound projects, I find it best to work with strong central themes + flexible parameters. My main hopes for this project are to 1) learn about artistic traditions/styles around the world, 2) update proof of life status, and 3) interact with global mailing systems.
I hope to send out a mail-based update each month, but I make no promises on the content or form. In this experiment n=40, and each iteration will have an identical set of physical cards, or they will follow the same central theme. I will share the digital versions here, alongside more specific research, information and musings.
If you are arriving to this project via the web, sit back, enjoy, and never hesitate to reach out with questions or praise! If you are receiving physical mail from me, nothing is required of you besides your promise to update me if your address changes, or if you are no longer interested in the regularly scheduled programming.
Analog blog #1 begins with an ode to the year’s learnings and a love for my most treasured apartment.
*A new party trick* When reading addresses in Queens, ex: ‘21-03 45th Rd’, [21] stands for the closest cross street, and [03] stands for the house number. Any N-S is always a St, Pl or Ln // any E-W is an Ave, Rd or Dr.
What is Riso? [intro video], [site], [online resources adv.]
Explore the Riso Atlas to find studios in your area!
Learn about animation you can make at home: [thaumatrope], [phenakistoscope]
from Secret Riso Club